Friday, December 23, 2011

"Oh Cruel fate, the Lover I desire, she forsakes me, but yet I love her every day desiring to awake, yet not finding the fate that I await"

Oh Cruel fate, the Lover I desire, she forsakes me, but yet I love her every day desiring to awake, yet not finding the fate that I await. Why G-d why have you forsaken me?

I canst not pretend that I hurt not, for I am wounded beyond repair, and only the intimacy of my true love can repair!

Where art thou my fair one, my Dove, the only one of her Mother? I seek you as you sought me long ago but I was a fool. Now I seek you but you are not found.

Woe be unto me, my wound is grievous, I seek to be comforted, but cannot find rest or peace. Is not this a foretaste of hell? For man we suffer hell while upon earth, yet to suffer it eternally is beyond what I can comprehend! I wish not this fate upon my worst enemy. Experiencing this present wrath I pray for you my enemy, seek G-d, seek him with all thine heart. Let not the Sun flee, nor set at sundown upon thy wrath.

Life is too short, Love and hate not. O my people lose not thy first Love as I did, reconcile with your first Love, He the L-rd of Hosts is waiting, it is he who loves you unconditionally. If you resist the Love he has shown you, you are a damn fool. I hope you don't mind me saying so.

Its just that the flood gates of my heart are open unto you my People. Make not the same mistakes as have I. Seek love, peace, and Unity and ensue it!!! Let not Grace and Mercy forsake you, but bind them around thy Neck day & night, that they attend your path continually unendingly.

To Quote my King, I speak of course of King David who said, "If I ascend up into shamayim {Heaven} you are there: If I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there O L-rd." Psalm 139:8.. Translation is, If I run, I cannot hide. Mankind and Womankind were not created to be separated from each other, yet the sorrow you will feel will compel you to seek it yet once again, that which you thought you could do without, but cannot live without. It is Love!!

Face it People, we need each other to survive the tests of time. Agree w/Me or disagree, but you know I speak truly the truth that binds us all as humanity!

I Love you all, my heart bleeds for the loss of love our society has suffered these last days. I will do all I can to restore the hearts of the children back to the fathers. {Malachi 4:6}

Here is who the Fathers are {Genesis 2:21-24} AND here is who the Children are {Proverbs 18:22}

Man is {Ish - Hebrew for Man} and Woman is {Isha- Hebrew for Woman} and Our Holy L-rd is {Ishi - Hebrew for my Husband}

When you find each other, love one another as I loved you, then cling to him who lives forever. {Deuteronomy 32:40} for I testify unto you as his anointed one, his holy name, he shall surely return soon, he is at the door. Be watchful for he shakes heaven, not only heaven but earth too.

That which remains shall remain, but that which falls away shall be lost forevermore. Cling to him lest your lost forever. Take not for granted that your salvation is guaranteed if once saved always saved. That theology is corrupt. {Observe in 2 Chronicles 15:2 and James 2:17-20}

Dead faith saves no one, do the works for the sake of making your faith alive that your faith save you and make you a whole person again! {Observe Luke 8:43-48}

Remember this last thing my precious Children, The Love of many has become brutally cold. It is severely difficult to find anyone to love you. Cling to those who truly are genuine and love you! Do not be left out in the Cold!

Sincerely Yours, Brother Joshua Carl*

Content copyright 2006-2011. Vitale Specialty Products. All rights reserved....

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

What do you think at the Traffic Light? What do the Different Traffic Light Colors Bring to Your Mind? Pls Read More Inside

When you look at the Traffic light, what do you see? 3 Distinct different colors change taking turns directing the flow of societal traffic Right. Indeed they do..

When I see a Yellow Traffic Light, it reminds me of the Yellow type personality. They move cautiously, slow at first. Sure they are glad to see you and are geared to relationships, but they want to know, "Who is this person" AND "Don't give too much information to them just yet"

They will eventually warm up to you and talk a bit more and from the onset they will always be open and indirect.

This scenario is not always true but you get the basic understanding of how yellows are upon first meeting you.

When you see the Red Light appear, what do you think? Yes, Stop.

When I see a Red Traffic Light, it reminds me of a Red type personality. They have an inner desire, a need within to control everything in their surroundings. They stop you in your tracks, they want to be ready to meet you on the field of Armageddon and totally dominate the situation. They will be the Generals, the CEO's of Fortune 500 companies, the police officers with the need to make themselves feel important and prepared for any occasion and they believe they will always win, and come out on top {so they seem to think}

If you meet a person with the Red personality type, do not put them in this bracket automatically. Each Red is different, these scenarios may ring true for some, but we are attempting to give a insight as to what "you may expect to experience" and not "what you indefinitely will experience" Because each person you meet is dynamic in and of themselves. Learn to listen more, talk less. G-d gave you 2 ears, 1 mouth for a reason.

When you see a Green Traffic Light, what do you think? I see a "GO! GO! GO!

When I see a Green Traffic Light, It reminds me of the Green personality type. These will be the people sitting at the Red light analyzing how long they think before the Red turns Green. When it does turn Green {by itself with no help} the Green personality may say things like the examples below and may even take credit for the light change.

Example 1. "See I knew it, I flipping new it would turn just then"

Example 2. "See I told you, Oh Yeah, I am good, Oh baby I am really good"

Example 3. "Yep right on time, to the second, It changed right when I said it would"

Again while these are just scenarios, your experiences with the different color personalities may be similar, or they could be different, but I know they will be close to the examples, and not too far off. They just may not be identical.

When you look into the Blue Sky or the Deep Blue Sea, what runs through your mind? What do you think about?

When I look at the Blue and Open Sky, I see the Blue personality type. I am reminded of the Vastness of Creation. I am reminded of the Blue personality. A Blue see's the Big picture, He/or She really gets it, they want you to give them the basic plan, they could care less about all the details about why the monk scooped the mold off the side of their volcano on the third day of the third month because that's the only time it will be potent. Blues don't CARE!!

The Blues are interested in having FUN, FUN, and MORE FUN. If it isn't Fun, You wont find many Blues there. They gravitate toward FUN people, FUN experiences, and they may be disorganized, but they are fully fledged, and pledged, ready to promote their Interests till they are Blue in the face {pardon the pun Lol}

Blues love to talk, you absolutely cannot get a word in edge wise talking to an Excited Blue. Excuse me can I say something please? The Blue says Oh yes what do you want to say, You know you can always say whatever you want to me. By the time you get to speak, you probably forgot what you wanted to say after having to wait for the Blue to finish their explanation of why you can say what you want anytime anyplace to them. Lol

Ask me how I know this about Blues? Lol I think its obvious don't you? I'm a Primarily Blue type personality.

And again, as with any Color Personality type, your experiences will differ with each Individual. Why? Because were all Individuals. We are so Complex its not funny.

Please do Remember every DNA aspect of, and about each individual is totally unique, but not identical, every aspect is different just like Me, and You. That's why When your dealing with the different Color Personalities, You will see different variations of those Colors in people, but focus on the Primary Color that you Identify them as having, then go from there. Talk to a Blue as if you were a Blue too. To a Red, be a Red. To a Yellow, be a Yellow. And to a Green, be a Green.

Greens Love Information.

Blues Love to have Fun.

Yellows Love Unity and Community.

Reds Love to Control outcomes.

You have one of the Color personalities, You are Unique. Which one are you? Think about it.

And Lastly, I leave with you what the Letters to the Word L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P Means.
L. Long Term Vision

E. Excellence

A. Advance Planning

D. Discipline

E. Enthusiasm

R. Responsibility

S. Sacrifice

H. Humility

I. Influence

P. Perseverance

Please Visit Joshua Carl's Blogspot

It is My Prayer to G-d for ALL of you who Read this, that you May have the Greatest of Successes Imaginable, May it be more than you ever Imagined or Could, and May G-d above always be Smiling down on you, Because he loves you that much!! I know he does, he loves me that way too!!

Sincerely Dedicated to Your Success,

Writer & Author, Life Coach & Mentor, Joshua Carl*

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Carl’s Blog-Spot Posts Blogging History Spanning from 2006-2011 Current

Carl’s Blog-Spot Posts Blogging History Spanning from 2006-2011

============ 2006 December 2007 February 2007 October 2007 November 2008 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 August 2008 December 2009 July 2010 June 2010 August 2010 September 2010 November 2011 April 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 December


Carl’s Blog-Spot Blog Posts are as Follows below for NOVEMBER 2011.


November’s 2011 Blogs {SOME With Music, Some Not}

NOTE: Under Archives View, all blogs display in a row and consequently all songs play at the same time. It’s chaotic For November as of Now Only..

so I listed all November blogs separately for your convenience.

Thank you for viewing..

========== with music by Avatar 2011 November 2011 November 2011 November 2011 November with music by Avatar 2011 November 2011 November 2011 November 2011 November

I Appreciate All My Readers, and would value your comments.

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Thank you All.

Writer & Author, Mentor & Life Coach,

Carl Vitale~

All respective blogs under total content copyright 2006-2011 {C} Vitale Specialty Products All rights reserved. No part of this Book may be reproduced without written consent from the copyright owner Vitale Specialty Products {C} all rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Almighty G-ds Perfect Blue-Print Plan For All of Mankind"

I Dedicate this Blog to my good friend Rob Rein, whom G-d used to inspire this blog.

Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 “The Blue Print of G-d for Mankind. Male & Female created he them, and called “Their Name Adam” Genesis 5:2. I want you to notice "Their Name Was Adam"

NOTE: There was no Eve until "After the Fall into sin in the Garden"

What does it truly mean, "And the twain {two} shall become one {Echad} flesh? Perhaps another time, another blog..

Onward now:

Almighty G-d does have the blue print plans for every human alive, ever born or to be born.

Thing is when people begin to try and re-invent the wheel, adding, and subtracting from an already perfect recipe for success from Almighty G-d, solely because they know more than even he does, or so says society by popular opinion.

However this is all conjecture, hearsay, personal opinion on my part, or is it?

All we need do is look at "Our Society" which we all contribute unto, some contribute more, some contribute less, and some contribute nothing at all.

And yet we are continually becoming the sum of what we spoke today when we awake in the Eternal Present upon what we perceive as tomorrow but tomorrow is but an illusion which we perceive as tomorrow, when in actuality it is only the Eternal Present, which is Eternity Slowed down to allow the sensibility of man to perceive Eternity in blocks of time known as days, weeks, months and years.

We become tomorrow all that we speak today. We walk by Faith, not by Sight as we call that which is not as though it was, and then tomorrow what we spoke we see. It is Seed time and Harvest, the unending cycle of life.

Therefore we all must Let our words be few, concentrated like orange juice concentrate. Let people mediate on your words to condense them to get what you said unto them.

Jesus did by speaking his Parables. It is given to you to know and understand said Jesus, but to them it is hidden.

Therefore I Submit this Question to All of Us, Even to Myself, I always will always endeavor to include Myself:

The QUESTION: Are we really his Talmidim, his true Disciples? If yes, then why aren’t more of us doing what he said to do? Why do we call him L-rd but yet many of us refuse to do as he says?

If you could, would you Please, do ponder this synopsis, allow it ruminate in your inner spirit-man, inner spirit-woman as internal medicine as you hypothesize thinking deeply upon this self replicating prosthesis in your own personal time for reflection.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 5:1-7.

by Writer & Author, Life Coach & Mentor,

Carl Vitale~

Content copyright 2006-2011 {C} Vitale Specialty Products All rights reserved. No part of this Book may be reproduced without written consent from the copyright owner Vitale Specialty Products {C} all rights reserved.

"Learn to Avoid the Clash between Different Personalities. Communicating Better with People with Different Personalities Than Yours"

PART 1 - The Yellow Trait Personality


"The nature of the personality trait Yellow"


"The nature of the personality trait Yellow" Are you the type of person with a yellow personality trait? Read ahead to learn the characteristics of a yellow.


A} A yellow is open and indirect. They answer all your questions with one or two, three or four words maximum. They really do not give too much information, and are 35% of the population.

B} They are among the safest motor vehicles drivers.

C} usually are school teachers.

D} are very creative in building and maintaining relationships.

E} They speak in a relaxed tone.


A yellow's strengths are as follows below:

1.} Are some of the best listeners

2.} Are reliable.

3.} Are very easy to get along with.

4.} They are team players.

5.} They are very patient.

6.} They are naturally very supportive people.


Some of the dislikes certain of Yellow:


A} Do not like pushy, aggressive people. Especially aggressive sales {people}

B} Do not appreciate, or gravitate to an obstinate people, do not like people who bully others.

C} They absolutely despise animal cruelty, you will likely find them in an animal rights convention or in a support animal rights demonstration.

D} They prefer stability and do not like sudden change.


A question I ask a yellow?


1.} Apart from money, what is important to you. Their most likely response is: Relationships, spending time with family and friends, and buying gifts for family and friends.


How to Train a yellow:


A. Teach them not to buy the excuses people use to cheat and pull a fast one on them.

B. Teach the difference between "valid excuses and explanations"

C. Teach them how not to respond emotionally. And not to be too sensitive. And how to avoid emotionally driven responses to everyday situations and circumstances. But how to respond calmly and rationally.

D. Teach them not to take things personally, and how to be cool, calm, and collected at the same time disarming potential disagreements showing them how to stop every time a shouting match.

E. They are strong supporters and strong believers in their company, their products and companies. {This should be encouraged but not too much}



Thought provoking Questions to Ask a Yellow:


A} Can you see yourself making $ 5,000 a month?

They answer might be something like, "Oh yes, but not excluding the support of my friends"

B} NOTE: If you go out to eat lunch or attend a business dinner, a Yellow likely will order what you order, and they will finish last.

C} NOTE 2: A yellow are extremely polite. They are drawn to Union and Unity. They are more polite in their personal approach.


How to visually recognize and place a Yellow:


A} They will usually be very visually recognizable themselves. Usually they will be wearing casual clothes and have a very graceful appearance, and big smiles as they greet you.

B} And the way they greet you hand in hand is very soft and not very firm. And they are very content people.

C} They definitely know their own character and are comfortable with how exactly they are and are comfortable around people they choose to be surrounded.

D} If you ever go into their office, you will see many family photos, and some animals ocean scene paintings on calendars, and maybe even some flower nature scenes.


Here is an example of a message by a yellow. You can read something such as this:

It will likely contain some of the following words as:

1.} Feeling

2.} Together

3.} Family

4.} Family Business Ownership

5.} How can I help you?

To Get a free copy of the e-Book "Success In 10 Steps" and the teachings, and other valuable information in this free e-book aimed at promoting you to succeed, no matter what company you may or may not be in, visit my website and download your very own free personal copy today.

Visit Us at:

More People who read "Success In 10 Steps" will save years of failure and frustration. But some never take the time to read it and are sadly, very true yet they often find is, 9 times out of 10 simply they are "Left Behind"

Please do not allow yourselves to get "Left Behind" when the information you need is offered and given to you completely Free.

Here's To Your Success,

Sincerely, Carl Vitale ~

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why Do We Expect Payment for Services Not Rendered? Read On ----->

As a People Why do we complain about our circumstances when it is nobody's fault but each our own, for the turmoil we have found ourselves entangled within. They cry out “It’s Interracial Unfairness” Get over it already! Stop making excuses for your laziness! Let’s raise the standard in our Society, show our young people what is expected of them, in order that they may be better equipped to run the race set before them.

The race is the race of life, the race of Faith. The Household of My Father knows no cultural bounds, for it is Limitless and there is room for ALL.

What can be said, or what can we say for both Black & White Members of our World Community? The beginning of knowledge is the reverence of the L-rd Adonai. Clearly the Majority of the World Community are definitively not followers or talmids (students) of either.

Ignorance and Belligerence begets more of the same! The Majority of the Members of the World Community are proof, that you can’t fix belligerence without being brutally honest and providing ample discipline without fear that your child will call child protective services on you for the chastisement they deserved!! I know some Parents who need the spanking though as well!!

Will you join them, or Implore and Plead with them, both males and females, that they apply to the L-rds school of Wisdom.

First Let us Find peace within ourselves, then perhaps we'll be at peace with every other culture and ethnic group beside only just our own.

Ignorance gives Birth to illiteracy, but Arrogance gives birth to Reprobate Minds void of good judgment.

Either We invest in our young people, or we will lose them for eternity!!!

We don't want our children to inherit the Whirlwind but we haven't taught them thru example the ways of the L-rd G-d. How can we demand performance from them when we haven't given them the life tools they need to perform, and why do we expect payment when we haven't rendered any services?

I've learned this, that you shouldn't wrestle a pig. Why? Because you both get filthy and the pig likes it, and you'll never win!!

It’s time for all of us to grow up.

We absolutely Must Stop wallowing in the mire with the swine!!

We Absolutely Most Indefinitely need to raise the standard to which Society rises if we ever wish to accomplish venerable praiseworthy educated individuals to whom may take our place in the race we all must run. Run to win, not lose.. The race is, The Race of Faith. In the Name of the Father, Of the Son, and of the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit)

I do what I ought, and also what I can, and G-d forgive me for my Iniquities, both hidden and seen.. Amen.

And My Father Forgive those who know not what they do, and I pray abundant chastisement for they who do know what they do by neglecting the future of the entire human race as they withhold correction from those who are pleading for mentors not role models, for they know not, nor consider what they do, that it is wicked. Ecclesiastes 5.

Author, Writer, Mentor & Life Coach,

Carl Vitale~

Content copyright 2006-2011 {C} Vitale Specialty Products All rights reserved. No part of this Book may be reproduced without written consent from the copyright owner Vitale Specialty Products {C} all rights reserved.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What Of "Thanksgiving Day" A National Holiday? Or A International Tragedy?

What really happened thanksgiving day when the pilgrims made that feast?

Could the settlers have walked into a culture, a civilization they knew nothing about, for sure they couldn't understand the native language, the native customs, or the native beliefs both natural and supernatural?

I will tell you what the settlers did. They walked into a native land, violated the peoples culture, lifestyle, customs, and they couldn't understand the language, they mistook the Indians protection of their families for acts of war, and rather than peacefully diffusing the situations they were responsible for causing chaos by their mere arrival and un-welcomed advances, and presence. They proceeded to murder the Indians thinking them to be aggressive barbarians.

But the settlers acted more as aggressive barbarians. Now the government today again is forcing sovereign Indian tribes to pay taxes. But wait this was their land, not ours! We ought to be paying them rent for being on their ancient home-tree land.

So when you sit down with family and friends this thanksgiving,

you ought to thank G-d your even alive.

Many tribesmen, tribeswomen and entire Indian lineages were systematically destroyed by those pilgrims you adore so well, for settling in these once "New Land"

Makes you really proud to be an American huh?

I am ashamed of the pilgrim’s barbarism, yet I am even more ashamed we turned a total massacre into what now is

one of our dearest nationally recognized holidays.

Maybe you think differently now after learning the truth?

Keep in mind the Epic movie "Avatar" and Home-tree, the whole movie depicts what the pilgrims then, now the American government did to the Sovereign Indian tribes throughout these lands.

Avatar the Motion Epic Movie is screaming out of outrage "For JUSTICE" Against the American governments to make reposition for all they did, to blot out centuries of old stains of their ancestors wrongfully shed blood.

But instead now the United Pilgrims strike again with their USA governmental barbarity now in this modern day. With oppressive taxes they now wish to force the sovereign Indian nations and all associated tribes to pay, To Them, the butchers who massacred their ancestors.

How would that make you feel? If a foreign people came and murdered your family, and you were the only surviving remnant, but you must now serve them, but wait, they're the stranger trespassing on your land, treading upon your beliefs, taking away your right to bear arms, stripping your G-d given inalienable rights to believe as your people always have.

That's what the pilgrims, now the United States government did. They did all those things unto the Sovereign Indian tribes of this Land. Doesn’t that make you proud to celebrate thanksgiving? It doesn't make the cut for me!

Worse is the Church has branded it as a G-d given holy day to give thanks to G-d for our many blessings.

The Problem with that is we murdered, plundered, raped their tribeswomen, and forced them to sit at a table giving G-d thanks, which today we term, "Thanksgiving"

We are facing that which we did to them.

Our own government now turning against us, forcing taxes, spending more than they have, changing laws to suit their private, and non private agendas, and "FORCING US TO FINANCE IT"

Or they'll imprison us.

But were already prisoners, of our own conscious.

We allowed this by not voting, not speaking up, and refusing to rally as other groups do to get their foolishness put into law, such as homosexual marital rights, abortion. Etc...

Sharia Law is on the docket for America next, unless we SPEAK UP!

Author & Writer,

Carl Vitale~

Content copyright 2006-2011 {C} Vitale Specialty Products All rights reserved. No part of this Book may be reproduced without written consent from the copyright owner Vitale Specialty Products {C} all rights reserved.