Friday, December 23, 2011

"Oh Cruel fate, the Lover I desire, she forsakes me, but yet I love her every day desiring to awake, yet not finding the fate that I await"

Oh Cruel fate, the Lover I desire, she forsakes me, but yet I love her every day desiring to awake, yet not finding the fate that I await. Why G-d why have you forsaken me?

I canst not pretend that I hurt not, for I am wounded beyond repair, and only the intimacy of my true love can repair!

Where art thou my fair one, my Dove, the only one of her Mother? I seek you as you sought me long ago but I was a fool. Now I seek you but you are not found.

Woe be unto me, my wound is grievous, I seek to be comforted, but cannot find rest or peace. Is not this a foretaste of hell? For man we suffer hell while upon earth, yet to suffer it eternally is beyond what I can comprehend! I wish not this fate upon my worst enemy. Experiencing this present wrath I pray for you my enemy, seek G-d, seek him with all thine heart. Let not the Sun flee, nor set at sundown upon thy wrath.

Life is too short, Love and hate not. O my people lose not thy first Love as I did, reconcile with your first Love, He the L-rd of Hosts is waiting, it is he who loves you unconditionally. If you resist the Love he has shown you, you are a damn fool. I hope you don't mind me saying so.

Its just that the flood gates of my heart are open unto you my People. Make not the same mistakes as have I. Seek love, peace, and Unity and ensue it!!! Let not Grace and Mercy forsake you, but bind them around thy Neck day & night, that they attend your path continually unendingly.

To Quote my King, I speak of course of King David who said, "If I ascend up into shamayim {Heaven} you are there: If I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there O L-rd." Psalm 139:8.. Translation is, If I run, I cannot hide. Mankind and Womankind were not created to be separated from each other, yet the sorrow you will feel will compel you to seek it yet once again, that which you thought you could do without, but cannot live without. It is Love!!

Face it People, we need each other to survive the tests of time. Agree w/Me or disagree, but you know I speak truly the truth that binds us all as humanity!

I Love you all, my heart bleeds for the loss of love our society has suffered these last days. I will do all I can to restore the hearts of the children back to the fathers. {Malachi 4:6}

Here is who the Fathers are {Genesis 2:21-24} AND here is who the Children are {Proverbs 18:22}

Man is {Ish - Hebrew for Man} and Woman is {Isha- Hebrew for Woman} and Our Holy L-rd is {Ishi - Hebrew for my Husband}

When you find each other, love one another as I loved you, then cling to him who lives forever. {Deuteronomy 32:40} for I testify unto you as his anointed one, his holy name, he shall surely return soon, he is at the door. Be watchful for he shakes heaven, not only heaven but earth too.

That which remains shall remain, but that which falls away shall be lost forevermore. Cling to him lest your lost forever. Take not for granted that your salvation is guaranteed if once saved always saved. That theology is corrupt. {Observe in 2 Chronicles 15:2 and James 2:17-20}

Dead faith saves no one, do the works for the sake of making your faith alive that your faith save you and make you a whole person again! {Observe Luke 8:43-48}

Remember this last thing my precious Children, The Love of many has become brutally cold. It is severely difficult to find anyone to love you. Cling to those who truly are genuine and love you! Do not be left out in the Cold!

Sincerely Yours, Brother Joshua Carl*

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