Tuesday, September 28, 2010

To the Real Women::

Sometimes a man wants to feel desired but you ladies play so hard to get we move on to the B.B.D. = Bigger Better Deal.. Its about Romance, but Majority of Women have given up on getting that from their men cuz they settled for seduction, thinking that Men only want to seduce them. So they play into the "seduce me, produce me in yo bed" game..

Ladies, Romance is alive and well!!! IT begins at the start of a relationship, but I am of the minority that keeps Romance alive throughout the entire relationship. Rare? Indeed!! but not impossible to acquire, just damn near impossible..

If you want a man, you need to see him as you'd have him to become. Then begin speaking that vision into his heart, soul, mind, and watch the Metamorphosis through time (be patient) take place.. Not just a month, or year, it may take longer, sometimes shorter length of time.. But put the energy into the positive realm, commingled with prayer and faith to believe God will bring forth the increase of your seeds sown to fruition..

You see Ladies, If You want to be seduced that's easy, go to the devil in the garden of Eden again.. When you want Romance come see me!!

I don't have time for the BS. Seduction belongs to Satan not mankind, even though Man has bought the enemies lies hook line and sinker. If you want a good Marriage, you need to really commit to work on the Marriage, both putting 100/100 into it. Also that you both not withdraw more than what you've put into "Your Love Account" Together.. You deposit together, you withdraw together, nothing about you is single anymore.

Maybe marriage is not for you, granted! But the same rules apply to any relationship. If you cannot be partners spiritually, next mentally, then the physical relationship will crash and burn into nothing but a heap of ashes. Because it was shallow, hollow and empty bereft of any true love..

Those who are "True Lovers" sacrifices for their mate, will die for their mate if it came to it. You cannot manufacture this through a physical sexual relationship. No, this "Love Level" takes alot of time.. Coal needs extreme pressure to be formed into Diamonds.. Love needs to be cultivated, nourished, and attended unto. Never neglect it, abuse it not, or you wont reap its benefits, ever!

My last and Final point is this. Point being, if you haven't made love to her spirit, you can not ever hope to touch her deepest parts, the parts of her soul you'll never know because you failed at making love to her spirit. And if you succeed at spiritually making love to her, you have graduated to her mind, her soul. There is nothing more erotic than making love to her mind, her soul.

Her soul is where you learn what she thinks, believes, feels, wants, desires, knows, loves, and hates. If you don't fail here, you advance to her body. Her body is the final frontier, if you made love to her spirit, her soul, then when you make love to her body, you'll anticipate her moves, she yours, before either of you make them. You'll both know what the other wants without asking, and do it as if on auto pilot.

When you climax, it will be together, not she before you or you before her, but her climax will and you're climax will culminate in the singular. Then and only then will you know what it truly feels like to be "One"...... For the two shall be one says the Creator. For once you give yourself physically sexually, that part of you belongs to her, as well as that part of her belongs to you. Its not just the body experience, but the spirit, soul, and body experience that belongs to you. A Part of her spirit belongs to you, as well a part of her soul, and body too. Once that happens, you can never get that back from her, nor her from you..

That Ladies and Gentlemen is why God protected Physical Sexual Intercourse for Last, and meant it for Married couples only. Marriage between One Man, One Woman, no more parties allowed. No swingers, no lesbians, and no homosexuals permitted in the Ordained Marriage bed by God Almighty.

If you indulge in the forbidden, your delving into Satan's territory and be warned, he takes NO PRISONERS!! You may want to think about that!! It could be detrimentally important to your Spiritual Life.. Before you give yourself to your mate, think!! Do I love this person enough to welcome her spirit, soul, and body into mine, to merge with me and become "One" in every sense with me? BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF.. If you answer No, you may want to hold off with Physical Sexual Intercourse. Just saying!!

Thank you Sincerely Yours,

Carl Vitale~~~

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Relationships Between Men and Women, As G-d Intended..

"If I had" a woman, I would.

a) On a daily basis, I would make passonate love to her..

b) On a daily basis, I would give her as much non sexual intimacy as she was needing. To grow with her and learn her mind, loving the real woman living in a physical world filled with spiritual realities unable to be seen by the naked eye.

c) I would be transparent with her about everything going on w/me, both past, present, and future requiring all the same from her too.. 100/100..

But this isn't the perfect world. I would give my time and attention, and my ears to listen. To listen to her heart, her hurt, to experience what she has experienced, and continues to go through in her life (everything minus giving birth to a child haha)

There aren't too many good strong black women or for that matter white women left in the USA anymore.

Every man wants to be in love, but they dont want to be exclusive. Everyone wants to be married, but once married they dont want to work at the marriage. Consequently marriages fail because our old men and old women never trained the younger men and women in the wisdom of God they spent their whole lives attaining from God..

Too deep for you?

Think about my words, I love the African woman. When we were all (the whole human race) in Adam in the Garden of Eden, God took a rib from man, and made woman. God made my female mate, and in a sense, she came from one of my ribs.

If every man saw every woman as come from himself, we would treat our women for what they truly are. Our babies, our responsibilities.

As a man, all my black sisters out here, I love them as my own body, and not in a perverted sense either, so get your mind right.

I just wrote a powerful note, what you do, or how you take this note in your spirit, thats on you. I hope you meditate on the fact that out of man came woman, now every man child comes from a woman, but it does not negate the fact that woman is still mans baby.

I wonder if brothers be knowing the totality of what they say when they say "you know you are my baby" to a woman.? I dont think they do.. I dont think most men understand this concept. Else the world would be a better place, dont cha think?

Sincerely Yours,

A Man of Destiny,

Writer & Author, Carl Vitale~~~