Monday, February 18, 2008

Consider What You Thirst For Before You Drink Thereof

"Think Upon What You Thirst For Before
You Drink Thereof"

Consider you're thirst, for it can steer your course just like the tongue does the body. Keep in mind a little spark kindles and can ignite the hugest of forest fires.

Consider what the Prophet Isaiah wrote. " Attention everyone who thirsts, come you to the waters, and he that has no money, come you and buy and eat, yes come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread? And you're labor for that which satisfies not? Hearken (Listen with obedience) diligently unto me and eat that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Isaiah 55:1-2..

G-d is saying, Arise to attention, those of you who are thirsty, come to my word, for it runs deeper than any river. The waters I shall give unto you from my word, my river, they are pure and holy. They are good for your soul says the Holy One of Israel. Let those of you who have no money come, yes come to my altar of sacrifice and offer up your self as a living sacrifice to me. It is your reasonable duty says the L-rd. Then eat and drink of my words, yes eat and drink without money, without price.

All I ask Is your obedience, for your life is mine and you are bought with a price and are no more your own. The price wherewith you have been bought is my blood says Yeshua of Nazareth. Therefore offer up your lives upon my altar in living unto me and allowing me to live my life through yours upon Earth. Deny yourself and as you do you shall eat my words daily. You abiding in me and I in thee as you bear much fruit whereby my Father is glorified. So shall your spirit live before me and never die. John 4:10, 13-14..

Why do you spend your lives on that which is not the bread of eternal life? And why are your labors in the fields of vanity and not in my harvest fields? Do your labors satisfy you? Come, Listen with Obedience unto me and live your life for me saith the L-rd. Then you will eat that which is good and your soul shall delight itself in my anointing. For a long time I have been longsuffering and patient with you. When you were neither hot or cold but were lukewarm I cast you not away altogether. Therefore says G-d be you not undecided any longer, for either I am G-d or Baal is.! You can not serve both me and your gods O my People. I the L-rd thy G-d am One G-d, and there is none Else beside me.

O Saints of G-d Almighty, what are we thirsty for? Are we thirsty for transgression? Or are we tired, ready to come to our Heavenly Father and his Son Yeshua of Nazareth our King and Messiah? Are we ready in today's Society to surrender our private wills and intentions, along with all our desires, passions and lusts attached to them all? Are we really ready to die in our wickedness and unrepentant state? Are we seriously considering willingly to go into eternity separated from Almighty G-d for ever? All because we deemed our selfish desires more important than the Eternal rest and destination of our souls.

What answer will we give to G-d on Judgment Day, when he inquires an answer of our souls? Our actions being brought up in order before us, dealing with each our own misconceptions and misinterpretations of the holy scriptures. What should the Almighty answer us when he dealing justly, answers us with divine sentence for our life's actions? What sort of people ought we to be right now as we live before the L-rd, in the presence of the Almighty? How should we deal with G-d The Son? He is the Holy Word!

What requital can we expect should we deal with a slack hand? Or what requital ought be expected should we maneuver in deception twisting G-ds words to make it say what we desire it to say? To what end and to what purpose would this be done, save only to serve the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever Amein.

But I say unto all, that we act with boldness as we live for Him who died and rose again for our redemption. Yes, I strongly and vehemently proclaim we sanctify ourselves by eating his words and live holy lives in his presence. Like King David said "L-rd where can I go that you are not already there waiting for me? Behold if I make my bed in hell, you are there waiting for me."

Therefore I will run no more from you O G-d, I surrender all.! So be careful, so very careful for what you thirst after. It is written "the wicked (backsliders in heart) desire the net of evil men, but the ROOT of the upright in heart yields life giving fruit." Proverbs 12:12.

You might remember Jesus parable of the barren fig tree which was planted in a vineyard of a certain Master. The roots of the vineyard drank up all the water and the fig tree couldn't get any water to survive or bear fruit therewith. When the time of Harvest came, the Master said to his servant "Cut that barren fig tree down uprooting it seeing for these last 3 years it bare me no fruit" YET the servant pleaded with his Master saying "let me I pray thee dig around it, thus give me the space of this year and if it bare no fruit then cut it down, but if it bare fruit cut it not down." To this the Master agreed.. That servant immediately began digging irrigation ditches around the fig tree and soon it began to bare fruit in its season good for eating.

IF you feel your circumstances are consuming every bit of life giving sustenance around you, leaving you nothing to survive on, I urge you to dig deep into the word of G-d and meditate in it. Joshua 1:8.. Let your root system take hold of the rich waters of G-ds word and the plants of the vineyard will never again choke off your supply of life giving sustenance for your spirit. Often the privileged fat cats eat and eat. They eat everything up and never share with the others around them. It seems they have overtaken the congregations of the L-rd. They leave the fig trees little to nothing to hope for. Most of those who go to service on Sunday or Saturday do so out of a sense of obligation and not with the heart. They feed not their spirits all week long and then come to fill up on Sunday or Saturday and suppose it to last them the entire week. That is not the will of our G-d. He wants intimacy with us all week long and weekends also.

He has his remnant always throughout the entire world.. We are his Ecumenical Body upon Earth spreading his words to the nations and each other and to those willing to hear us. Those of us who thirst and hunger after G-d, need to learn to teach others how to dig around themselves, thus providing irrigation for themselves and those thirsty for G-ds true words. While we go to service on Sunday and or Saturday, we hear the Spirit of the L-rd speaking to our hearts through every word spoken in service. Not only on Shabbat or Sunday but we continue to hear G-d all week long. We are no longer barren, but we are enabled to produce fruit unto eternal everlasting life.

Again I reiterate, let us thirst after the words of the Living G-d and His Messiah, who died and rose again to become our Savior, King and L-rd. Amein, World without End.

Luke 13:6-9..

By Carl~~~

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What Manner of Men/Women ought we be before the Holy G-d of Israel??

Beloved, I pray what I share will touch your spirits, souls, minds and cause not only you but all of us, that we would dress appropiately.. What I simply mean is this. We Men and Women have an awesome responsibility before G-d and our fellow man to dress un-provocatively... What a man and his wife do behind closed doors is private and holy. I am talking about when we are viewed on our profile pictures and in public by others.. What example do we want to give to our young ones who readily may view what we do and they view it at school too.!

Women I address you and simply say it was not Adam who gave Eve the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, it was Eve who was willingly first decieved into doing what she knew was wrong. Then Men I address you... Adam had ought to have Rebuked Eve for her sin, but what did he do.? Yes he ate the forbidden fruit too.. He knew it was forbidden and ate it as he willingly with both eyes open was decieved into thinking " G-d does not need to know I did this" Adam knowing full well that G-d would know and knew that G-d knew all things that would happen, before they actually happened..

Adam willingly sinned and Eve was willingly decieved too, fully knowing G-d commanded them both not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.. Men we are to be the heads of our Wives as they are our bodies (symbolically speaking). We ought love our Wives as Christ Loved the Messianic Congregation for which he died and gave himself for Us. We ought to intercede on behalf for our wives when they mess up instead of brow beat them into a submission G-d wouldnt even subject Us or Them unto.!!

Women you are Ministers of the voice of reason when your men go astray even if it be slightly off track, G-d expects both Men and Women to be his Ministers of grace to each other in times of need, time of need of correction as needed. Would Jesus dress provocatively.. No I should say he wouldnt. We therefore ought to bear the Mind of Christ when we attire ourselves for being in the public eye.

Men this means no more seductive photos on your profiles of your male parts and no photos ought be used which would cause women to lust you. Dress Moderately and respectfully.. Ladies the same goes for you. No more showing off your parts through see through clothing or barely no clothing..

Remember Men are visual and those pictures they see of you bare burn in their minds and entrap them.. Vise versa Men, be mindful of the women while they are more emotional rather than visual, yet they visualize too..

Let us live a standard of holy living before our Holy G-d, the Almighty, his son Yeshua (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Amein.. Give G-d a Praise Already now..

We praise You L-rd Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, for all that you did on the Cross for us so very long ago. We thank you that your thoughts of us Hashem are more in number than we could ever count this side of glory. L-rd G-d forgive us for dressing provocatively to enslave our fellow men and women and cause in all of our hearts a genuine spirit of repentance be born.. It is in Jesus name we pray, amein... Go in peace my brethren and sisters..

Shalom, Sincerely Yours Pharez1~~~