Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Soon Birth of a Congregation in Buffalo N.Y.

I am half standing in Messianic Judaism and half standing in Modern Christianity... No less or more... I am leaning toward starting a Judaistic Christian Center for worship one day soon.. We will be rooted in the roots of Christianity as well as keeping the feasts of Israel commanded to all believers to keep and we will keep the biblical dietary laws as well as the other laws of the torah that G-d and Jesus didnt do away with but intended we continue to keep them all..

As far as the denominational problems we have had with Christianity , it is not our doing but the L-rds doing.. The L-rd took bread broke it saying it was his body then gave to the talmidim (disciples).. We are the body of Christ amein.. We were broken by Him so that is why so many denominations all over the place.. Denominations are not a problem but not loving one another is the problem we need to eradicate..

If we would live like Yeshua lived we would be as powerful as he was when he walked Earth.. But most of us do not live as He lived.. sadly... So living as he did is the goal of my life and my Congregation... amein..
I hope I helped you and didnt confuse you..

Sincerely Carl S.V.