When you look at the Traffic light, what do you see? 3 Distinct different colors change taking turns directing the flow of societal traffic Right. Indeed they do..
When I see a Yellow Traffic Light, it reminds me of the Yellow type personality. They move cautiously, slow at first. Sure they are glad to see you and are geared to relationships, but they want to know, "Who is this person" AND "Don't give too much information to them just yet"
They will eventually warm up to you and talk a bit more and from the onset they will always be open and indirect.
This scenario is not always true but you get the basic understanding of how yellows are upon first meeting you.
When you see the Red Light appear, what do you think? Yes, Stop.
When I see a Red Traffic Light, it reminds me of a Red type personality. They have an inner desire, a need within to control everything in their surroundings. They stop you in your tracks, they want to be ready to meet you on the field of Armageddon and totally dominate the situation. They will be the Generals, the CEO's of Fortune 500 companies, the police officers with the need to make themselves feel important and prepared for any occasion and they believe they will always win, and come out on top {so they seem to think}
If you meet a person with the Red personality type, do not put them in this bracket automatically. Each Red is different, these scenarios may ring true for some, but we are attempting to give a insight as to what "you may expect to experience" and not "what you indefinitely will experience" Because each person you meet is dynamic in and of themselves. Learn to listen more, talk less. G-d gave you 2 ears, 1 mouth for a reason.
When you see a Green Traffic Light, what do you think? I see a "GO! GO! GO!
When I see a Green Traffic Light, It reminds me of the Green personality type. These will be the people sitting at the Red light analyzing how long they think before the Red turns Green. When it does turn Green {by itself with no help} the Green personality may say things like the examples below and may even take credit for the light change.
Example 1. "See I knew it, I flipping new it would turn just then"
Example 2. "See I told you, Oh Yeah, I am good, Oh baby I am really good"
Example 3. "Yep right on time, to the second, It changed right when I said it would"
Again while these are just scenarios, your experiences with the different color personalities may be similar, or they could be different, but I know they will be close to the examples, and not too far off. They just may not be identical.
When you look into the Blue Sky or the Deep Blue Sea, what runs through your mind? What do you think about?
When I look at the Blue and Open Sky, I see the Blue personality type. I am reminded of the Vastness of Creation. I am reminded of the Blue personality. A Blue see's the Big picture, He/or She really gets it, they want you to give them the basic plan, they could care less about all the details about why the monk scooped the mold off the side of their volcano on the third day of the third month because that's the only time it will be potent. Blues don't CARE!!
The Blues are interested in having FUN, FUN, and MORE FUN. If it isn't Fun, You wont find many Blues there. They gravitate toward FUN people, FUN experiences, and they may be disorganized, but they are fully fledged, and pledged, ready to promote their Interests till they are Blue in the face {pardon the pun Lol}
Blues love to talk, you absolutely cannot get a word in edge wise talking to an Excited Blue. Excuse me can I say something please? The Blue says Oh yes what do you want to say, You know you can always say whatever you want to me. By the time you get to speak, you probably forgot what you wanted to say after having to wait for the Blue to finish their explanation of why you can say what you want anytime anyplace to them. Lol
Ask me how I know this about Blues? Lol I think its obvious don't you? I'm a Primarily Blue type personality.
And again, as with any Color Personality type, your experiences will differ with each Individual. Why? Because were all Individuals. We are so Complex its not funny.
Please do Remember every DNA aspect of, and about each individual is totally unique, but not identical, every aspect is different just like Me, and You. That's why When your dealing with the different Color Personalities, You will see different variations of those Colors in people, but focus on the Primary Color that you Identify them as having, then go from there. Talk to a Blue as if you were a Blue too. To a Red, be a Red. To a Yellow, be a Yellow. And to a Green, be a Green.
Greens Love Information.
Blues Love to have Fun.
Yellows Love Unity and Community.
Reds Love to Control outcomes.
You have one of the Color personalities, You are Unique. Which one are you? Think about it.
And Lastly, I leave with you what the Letters to the Word L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P Means.
L. Long Term Vision
E. Excellence
A. Advance Planning
D. Discipline
E. Enthusiasm
R. Responsibility
S. Sacrifice
H. Humility
I. Influence
P. Perseverance
Please Visit Joshua Carl's Blogspot http://tinyurl.com/carls-blogspot-archives
It is My Prayer to G-d for ALL of you who Read this, that you May have the Greatest of Successes Imaginable, May it be more than you ever Imagined or Could, and May G-d above always be Smiling down on you, Because he loves you that much!! I know he does, he loves me that way too!!
Sincerely Dedicated to Your Success,
Writer & Author, Life Coach & Mentor, Joshua Carl*
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